The official news page of '9/11 Press For Truth' has been moved to, and major new updates have been made. Of course, if you're reading this, you already know...

For those interested in more general 9/11-related news, especially regarding the Sept. 11th families and the new Kucinich 9/11 hearings, 'Press For Truth' executive producer Kyle F. Hence will be writing regularly on that subject at the OLD blog location:
well i see my comment didnt get posted. PFT is no better than ABC News. Why did you censor me? the campaign starts now, people will know what censorship tactics are used here.
Comment posted here. There. Now we can escape your horrific campaign.
I am happy to see that someone cared enough to connect the dots.
I was born and raised in New York City and now live three thousand miles away, I watched as the towers crumbled and the light bulb turned on in my head...I could "smell a rat" across the miles and would tell my ideas to anyone who wouldn't get away fast enough for a few years. It seemed blaringly apparent to me that Mr. Bush and his staff needed a smoke screen and what better one than this. It saddened me to watch help
lessly as a mass mockery was made of the American people. Thank you for your diligence.
No Matter Your Politics; Explain Away This:
Set the Wayback Machine for 23 August 1995: a hot day in the nation’s capitol. But 3000 miles due west on the California Coast, a constellation of events was unfolding that would have a cataclysmic effect. Bill Clinton picked up the telephone. It was his Chief of Staff Leon Panetta, calling from a payphone in Monterey. Bill held the receiver at arms length and gazed at the tasteful floral arrangement that adorned the Oval Office. Leon’s disembodied voice filled the room. What now, asked Hillary. It’s that damn college, mouthed Bill. Hillary nodded; just tell Leon he’ll get whatever he needs. There was, no getting out:
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