In a press release, the "Jersey Girls", four widows from New Jersey whose story is told in '9/11 Press For Truth', announced that they have now surpassed their goal of 15,000 signatures on their petition entitled "The Public's Right to Know - Declassification and Release of Documents".
As we have written previously, the online petition calls for the release of all transcripts and documents related to the recently-revealed July 10th, 2001, meeting between then-CIA Director George Tenet and then-National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, as well as the 28 redacted pages of the Joint Inquiry Report and the CIA Inspector General's report on 9/11 accountability.
"As promised," the women write, "we have hand delivered it to lawmakers in Washington, D.C." The Jersey widows are asking you to please help them by calling your Congresspeople and telling them the public has a right to know.
You can contact your House Representatives using this site and your Senator using this site.
Thank you all for helping our Country. We sent PFT to our Congressman and Senators. We are awaiting their response.
Every american, every local, state and federal representative should see and fully understand these issues and unanswered questions.
The calls for the release of all transcripts and documents should be a front page story in every city. I will be working to help so that blind and deaf people across the country also know.
Thank you to each and everyone of you for what you have done to help our Country.
We all stand with you.
People all across the country are ready to have an intelligent conversation on all of these issues.
The above comment made me very happy.
Please watch Zeitgeist. Gather some friends, prepare some popcorn, it's 2 hours but it will be the most important 2 hours of your life, don't miss this opportunity for a true awakening.
Good luck, be careful.
I wish America had 400 million women like you because it seems to me that all the American men are spineless I really can't believe it took only 4 women to get the 911 commission report in place and sorry to say that only 30% of the fact were put in it. I wish I could give you my full time to help bring your Husband's murders to justice. God will bless for ever for your efforts. I know in my own heart that your husbands won't let me rest because every time I look at the clock it says 911 and I feel that I have something to offer you, I don't know what it is but I'm sure God will place me in it at the right time. Thanks again for standing for truth. Just because these killer are rich don't mean they can run our lives. Keep in the fight until the truth comes out, look how long it took them to figure out that Lee Harvey Olswald was not the only shooter.
May God Bless you four forever,
I want to help you bring these killers to justice.
Sincerely your friend,
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