Paul Thompson, the author the definitive The Complete 9/11 Timeline on which our upcoming movie '9/11 Press For Truth' was in part based, was a guest on 'The Randi Rhodes Show' today on Air America. He mentioned on-air the upcoming release of the movie. Listen to an MP3 recording of the show, and read Thompson's The Complete 9/11 Timeline.

Thompson was invited on the program in response to a new furor over 9/11 set off by recent stories in the Washington Post, the New York Times, and the release of transcripts of the NORAD tapes in 'Vanity Fair'. According to the stories, the 9/11 Commissioners believed that NORAD officials deliberately lied to them during sworn testimony.
The issue of NORAD's response to the on-going hijackings on the morning of September 11th is featured prominently during the first ten minutes of '9/11 Press For Truth'. See the following articles for more information on the growing controversy:
Washington Post - "9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon"
New York Times - "Tapes Further Undermine Claims By the Pentagon That It Moved Quickly to Try to Intercept and Shoot Down One or More of the Hijacked Jets"
Vanity Fair - "9/11 Live: The NORAD Tapes"
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