Press For Truth will air every day this week on Link TV, a channel carried nationally on DirecTV and Dish Network, from Sunday, December 12, through Friday, December 17.
The movie will join Marc Achbar's hit The Corporation, Robert Greenwald's Re-Think Afghanistan, Arianna Huffington's Third World America, Amy Goodman's We Will Not Be Silent, and the Howard Zinn doc You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train, among others, as part of the American satellite television network's week-long fundraising push. Link TV can be found at Channel 375 for those with DirecTV and Channel 9410 for those with Dish Network. View the schedule here.
Throughout the broadcasts, Link TV will also air segments of its 2007 original special produced to supplement Press For Truth. Peter Coyote, famed '60s activist-turned-actor best known as the mysterious scientist Keys in E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial, interviews The Terror Timeline (HarperCollins) author Paul Thompson, whose work was featured extensively in the movie, about the media's failure to fully explore the issues surrounding 9/11.
Please support Link TV with a financial contribution. Donors of $150 or larger receive a PFT DVD and a Link TV tote bag.