Saturday, October 14, 2006

Foreign TV Embraces 'Press For Truth', American TV Ignores It

On the 5th anniversary of the Sept. 11th attacks, '9/11 Press For Truth' aired for three nights in a row throughout the Middle East on major television network Al Jazeera.

In Norway, it aired on TV2, the nation's main commercial television station, with 1/3rd of the total TV viewers in the country, and 2/3rds of the commercial market. Norwegian newspapers reported that 200,000 viewers tuned in for the Sept. 11th anniversary showing, which was competing with 9/11-related programing on the nation's two other major channels.

Since then, it has also aired in Spain and Poland. In Spain, it aired on national public channel TV3 Catalunya.

In Poland, it aired through KRRT, and the DVD was included in the Sept. 6th, 2006, issue of the country-wide, weekly, Polish magazine Przekrój ("Cross-section"), along with a major article on the movie.

Meanwhile, in the United States, our television distributor MercuryMedia continue to search for an interested American outlet. Thus far, the acquisition executives at most channels have liked it but feel it is simply too explosive for American TV audiences.

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